Are you thinking about aesthetic dentistry?
What is aesthetic dentistry?
Aesthetic dentistry (Tokyo)

Aesthetic dentistry is not merely to make the teeth beautiful, but also to restore healthy teeth and gums.

Aesthetic dentistry consists of whitening, aligning and replacing teeth, usually for an improved smile. Although a beautiful smile is important, aesthetic dentistry is not complete or effective if the surrounding gum of a crown discolors over time. Discoloration occurs when the ion of the metal used for the inside of the tooth begins to penetrate the gum. It is now possible to prevent discoloration using an all-ceramic crown, or a GES crown.

A GES is a pure gold restoration crown with a ceramic surface that does not penetrate the gums. It is more precise and stronger than an all-ceramic crown. The all-ceramic surface makes the metal invisible, protects the gum, and is often mistaken for a real tooth by some dentists.

Dental bleaching used to be performed only at a dental clinic (In-Office Bleaching). Now another better method, At-Home Bleaching, allows a patient to perform bleaching at home. Using this method, the patient can get maximum results faster and easier than before. A customized mouthpiece is made to fit the patient’s teeth and the patient applies whitening gel to the inside while sleeping.

Although there are many treatment options, our goal is to bring your teeth and gums into the healthiest condition in the least obvious way.

* A newly developed treatment called white coat is also available for those who seek an immediate result (for wedding and other important occasions).

Example of treatment I (41-year-old male patient)
Aesthetic Dentistry

This photograph shows the front teeth of a patient treated for discoloration of two teeth. Through X-rays, we found that the nerves of these two teeth had already been removed. Just like a tree without roots, a tooth without a nerve becomes weak. The weakened tooth may become discolored over time.

Aesthetic Dentistry

The next photograph shows the teeth after the treatment. The two teeth have GES crowns. In order to use the brighter color for the crowns, the front teeth have been bleached using the home bleaching method. Since the gum was also treated, the patient got his healthy teeth back.

Example of treatment II (64-year-old male patient)
Aesthetic Dentistry

This photograph shows the back teeth of a patient who wants to make the metal crown and fillings less visible. Because we found decayed teeth under and surrounding the metal crown and fillings, we decided to apply GES crowns for the eight back teeth, four on each side.

Aesthetic Dentistry

The next photograph shows the teeth after the treatment. By bleaching the front teeth before the treatment, we could use a lighter crown. Since the gum was also treated, the patient got his healthy teeth back.

Example of treatment III (52-year-old female patient)
Aesthetic Dentistry

This photograph shows a patient’s front teeth before being treated to improve the appearance. Because she has an underbite, braces along with other treatments were used.

Aesthetic Dentistry

We moved the upper teeth forward and the lower teeth backward to align the bite properly. The six front teeth are GES crowns.

GES crowns give the patient natural looks while do not cause discoloration of the gum. Since the gum was also treated, the patient got her healthy teeth back.

Example of treatment IV (34-year-old female patient)
Aesthetic Dentistry

This photograph shows the three fractured front teeth of a patient who grinds her teeth while sleeping.

Aesthetic Dentistry

Because we found decayed teeth, GES crowns were used to restore the teeth. The gum was not discolored and got the natural looks back.

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